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Original Calculator On Ipad

Apple never finished developing or designing an acceptable and unique, native calculator app for iPad. So, a native iPadOS calculator app for iPad is, now, not even being considered, any longer, by Apple.

Others that range from $0.99- $2.99 that offer both no ads and additional features that add value to their calculator apps.

Your iPad Has a Hidden Built-in Calculator You’re Not Using — Here’s How to Unlock It

Steve Jobs caught wind of it and quickly nixed it, and there wasn’t enough time to design an iPad-optimized calculator before the iPad hit shelves. A scientific calculator is built directly into Spotlight on iPadOS, and you can throw math problems at it and get immediate answers. Of course, you have to type out the whole problem or equation, so it’s not as convenient as a dedicated calculator app, but it gets the job done in a pinch.

As long as you correctly type or paste the problem, Spotlight will recognize it and give you a solution without you having to hit the equals (=) sign.

Not all math symbols work, like the radical sign, but there are other ways to type things out, as indicated below. 24 ^ exponents (powers) 6^5 7,776 exp( ) natural exponent exp(2) 7.3890560989 log( ) base 10 logarithm log(75) 1.8750612634 ln( ) natural logarithm ln(75) 4.3174881135 sqrt( ) square root sqrt(7) 2.6457513111 cbrt( ) cube root cbrt(9) 2.0800838231 sin( ) sine in radians sin(-0.5) -0.4794255386 cos( ) cosine in radians cos(-0.5) 0.8775825619 tan( ) tangent in radians tan(-0.5) -0.5463024898 asin( ) inverse sine in radians asin(-0.5) -0.5235987756 acos( ) inverse cosine in radians acos(-0.5) 2.0943951024 atan( ) inverse tangent in radians atan(-0.5) -0.463647609 sinh( ) hyperbolic sine sinh(-0.5) -0.5210953055 cosh( ) hyperbolic cosine cosh(-0.5) 1.1276259652 tanh( ) hyperbolic tangent tanh(-0.5) -0.4621171573 asinh( ) inverse hyperbolic sine asinh(7) 2.6441207611 acosh( ) inverse hyperbolic cosine acosh(7) 2.6339157938 atanh( ) inverse hyperbolic tangent atanh(0.5) 0.5493061443 sind( ) sine in degrees sind(7) 0.1218693434 cosd( ) cosine in degrees cosd(7) 0.9925461516 tand( ) tangent in degrees tand(0.5) 0.0087268678 asind( ) inverse sine in degrees asind(0.5) 30 acosd( ) inverse cosine in degrees acosd(0.5) 60 atand( ) inverse tangent in degrees atand(0.5) 26.5650511771 ceil( ) rounds up ceil(5.6) 6 floor( ) rounds down floor(5.6) 5 rint( ) rounds to nearest integer rint(5.6) 6 fabs( ) absolute value fabs(-5.6) 5.6 = equality (equals) Good to know: The iPhone has a Back Tap feature that makes accessing Spotlight just by tapping the back of the iPhone two or three times.

It’s much more convenient than swiping open Search, but Back Tap is unavailable on the iPad. Siri will still use Apple’s built-in hidden calculator for more straightforward computation, but you may get more web results than answers now for longer problems. When you long-press the Top or Home button, Siri will open the keyboard, and you can type away.

How do I download a calculator to my iPad?

Apple never finished developing or designing an acceptable and unique calculator app for iPad. So, a native iPadOS calculator app for iPad is, now, not even being considered, any longer, by Apple. Also, YouTube video with an included interview with Craig Federighi, from Apple on why NO calculator app for iPad/iPadOS.

Your iPad Has a Hidden Built-in Calculator You’re Not Using — Here’s How to Unlock It

Steve Jobs caught wind of it and quickly nixed it, and there wasn’t enough time to design an iPad-optimized calculator before the iPad hit shelves. A scientific calculator is built directly into Spotlight on iPadOS, and you can throw math problems at it and get immediate answers. Of course, you have to type out the whole problem or equation, so it’s not as convenient as a dedicated calculator app, but it gets the job done in a pinch. As long as you correctly type or paste the problem, Spotlight will recognize it and give you a solution without you having to hit the equals (=) sign. Not all math symbols work, like the radical sign, but there are other ways to type things out, as indicated below. 24 ^ exponents (powers) 6^5 7,776 exp( ) natural exponent exp(2) 7.3890560989 log( ) base 10 logarithm log(75) 1.8750612634 ln( ) natural logarithm ln(75) 4.3174881135 sqrt( ) square root sqrt(7) 2.6457513111 cbrt( ) cube root cbrt(9) 2.0800838231 sin( ) sine in radians sin(-0.5) -0.4794255386 cos( ) cosine in radians cos(-0.5) 0.8775825619 tan( ) tangent in radians tan(-0.5) -0.5463024898 asin( ) inverse sine in radians asin(-0.5) -0.5235987756 acos( ) inverse cosine in radians acos(-0.5) 2.0943951024 atan( ) inverse tangent in radians atan(-0.5) -0.463647609 sinh( ) hyperbolic sine sinh(-0.5) -0.5210953055 cosh( ) hyperbolic cosine cosh(-0.5) 1.1276259652 tanh( ) hyperbolic tangent tanh(-0.5) -0.4621171573 asinh( ) inverse hyperbolic sine asinh(7) 2.6441207611 acosh( ) inverse hyperbolic cosine acosh(7) 2.6339157938 atanh( ) inverse hyperbolic tangent atanh(0.5) 0.5493061443 sind( ) sine in degrees sind(7) 0.1218693434 cosd( ) cosine in degrees cosd(7) 0.9925461516 tand( ) tangent in degrees tand(0.5) 0.0087268678 asind( ) inverse sine in degrees asind(0.5) 30 acosd( ) inverse cosine in degrees acosd(0.5) 60 atand( ) inverse tangent in degrees atand(0.5) 26.5650511771 ceil( ) rounds up ceil(5.6) 6 floor( ) rounds down floor(5.6) 5 rint( ) rounds to nearest integer rint(5.6) 6 fabs( ) absolute value fabs(-5.6) 5.6 = equality (equals) Good to know: The iPhone has a Back Tap feature that makes accessing Spotlight just by tapping the back of the iPhone two or three times.

It’s much more convenient than swiping open Search, but Back Tap is unavailable on the iPad. Siri will still use Apple’s built-in hidden calculator for more straightforward computation, but you may get more web results than answers now for longer problems. When you long-press the Top or Home button, Siri will open the keyboard, and you can type away.

iPad calculator: How to use the calculator(s) hidden in your Apple tablet

Steve Jobs nixed the calculator from Apple’s original tablet because it was lame — nothing more than the iPhone app awkwardly blown up to iPad size. According to Apple software chief Craig Federighi, the company just hasn’t been inspired to make a great one.

To access Spotlight, just go to your iPad’s Home screen, touch the middle of the display and drag downward.

Tap and hold on the result of your calculation in the Spotlight pop-up window and the option to copy it will appear. People often mock Siri for being stupid, but Apple’s voice assistant can handle simple calculations. Open the Safari web browser and type your math problem into the URL bar at the top of the screen.

The resulting web page also will include a fairly full-featured calculator so you can enter additional math problems.

‎Calculator for iPad!

The only thing that is bad about the app is that you need to upgrade to the premium version in order to get some of the features.

Why the iPad has no calculator

Whereas the iPhone, Mac, Apple Watch and even the iPod touch feature a calculator as standard, there’s never been one on the iPad. In preparing this article, we reached out to Apple to see if there was an official reason why it withholds the calculator app from the iPad.

At the time of writing, we hadn’t had a response, so we couldn’t ask if it was something to do with an Apple executive standing at a crossroads at midnight, playing on a prototype iPad until a shadowy figure arrived, promising to make it the king of all tablets, but at a terrible cost – that of the calculator app. This story, that came from someone who was working at Apple at the time, says that in the run up to the launch of the original iPad release, Steve Jobs called Scott Forstall (who was leading the software development for the tablet) into his office.

Jobs, who was known for his incredible attention to detail, wasn’t happy with this, as the app looked awful in his eyes. He subsequently pulled the app, much to Forstall’s chagrin, and it simply fell to the bottom of the pile of things that needed to be done for every update or upgrade to iOS and then iPadOS ever since. It’s entirely possible that this tale could be apocryphal, as it’s a little hard to believe that no one at Apple could rustle up a decent calculator app over the past decade, but the continued absence of said program does give some weight to the idea. We prefer the crossroads version, but maybe that’s just the fatalistic romantics in us, plus we suspect Craig Federighi may have made a similar exchange to ensure the magnificence of his luscious mane.

The Reason Why The iPad Still Doesn’t Come With A Calculator App

For basic arithmetic, you can enter the problem in Spotlight — the search feature accessed by swiping down on the Home screen — and quickly get an answer. But it might be a long wait until it comes out because the reason behind the missing iPad calculator goes to the heart of Apple’s philosophy.

Calculator (Apple)

[1] The basic mode includes a number pad, buttons for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing, as well as memory keys. The macOS version of Calculator also has a programmer mode that gives the user access to more options related to computer programming.

Though no higher math capability was included, third-party developers provided upgrades, and Apple released the Graphing Calculator application with the first PowerPC release (7.1.2) of the Mac OS, and it was a standard component through Mac OS 9. Calculator has Reverse Polish notation support, and can also speak the buttons pressed and result returned.

Since the release of Mac OS X Leopard, simple arithmetic functions can be calculated from the Spotlight feature. [8] They include the standard addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations, with exponentiation and the use of the percent sign to denote percentage.

Its design was maintained with the same basic math operations until the final release of classic Mac OS in 2001. [12] In 2022, the Wall Street Journal’s Joanna Stern asked Apple marketing chief Greg Joswiak, who responded: “There are a ton of them.

“[13][14] A jailbreak tweak named “Belfry” was able to unofficially install the app, along with every other iPhone-only application on an iPad in early 2012.

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